Introduction of Yayoi Oguma


Introduction of Yayoi Oguma

Resolving Worries and Embarking Toward the Brilliant Life, You Deserve

Nice to meet you. I am Yayoi Oguma, the founder and CEO of Bridge International Corporation.

My objective is to provide information that can solve the troubles women might face to lead beautiful lives, so I established this website.

I myself have faced incredibly challenging times, starting with only 6 yen in my pocket at the age of 20.

I was estranged from my father, fired from part-time jobs, and turned away by employment agencies with statements like,

“We have nothing to offer to someone like you without education, experience, or achievements.”

However, even in such circumstances, I strived and persisted. As a result, I have now reached a point where I run a company that supports many women.

On this website, I want to share what I have learned and experienced with all women.

If you have any challenges in your current life, I hope this website can serve as a reference and help you, even just a little.

“Okuraku®” Live, which was started with the same purpose, has grown from 40 initial viewers to over 3,000 simultaneous viewers in its mega live broadcasts. Many people have been able to solve their problems by watching “Okuraku®” Live and transitioning to the beautiful and brilliant lives they should be living.

For those who come across this website, I sincerely hope similar miracles can happen for you.


Became a female social entrepreneurs with monthly revenue exceeding 100 million yen from a possession of only 6 yen. With the “Okuraku® Method,” developed by combining all the success principles on Earth and the laws of the universe, everyone aims for infinite richness and true world peace.

World Peace Activist |
Women’s Entrepreneurship Mentor |
Purely Domestic Simultaneous Interpreter

  • From having only 6 yen and zero English skills, I became a simultaneous interpreter in 3 years.
    Interpreted for over 3,000 world authorities, including former prime ministers and the UN Secretary-General.
  • Developer of the “Okuraku®” Method, where everyone can effortlessly attract billions and become infinitely wealthy and happy.
  • Supporting women’s success, with numerous students attracting 7 figures in as short as 1 month and up to 1 billion yen.
  • Female social entrepreneur with zero advertising costs, achieving over 100 million yen in monthly sales for 7 consecutive months with a 50% profit margin.
  • Every morning at 6 o’clock, the morning live broadcasts have provided a total of over 1778 hours worth of premium seminar-level content for free to more than 18.17 million people, guiding them towards a positive transformation in life.
  • Authored 7 books, with a total of over 140,000 copies sold.
  • Completed the automatic conveyor belt that allows 8 billion people to become infinitely wealthy and happy, dedicating efforts towards eradicating poverty.

Because my life has been like a roller coaster, there are things I can convey—

Yayoi's Life Story


From rock bottom to 130K-usd/year interpreter

At age 20, with only 6 yen and a TOEIC score of 280,
I worked three part-time jobs, attended English school for half a year with only one hour of sleep, and obtained a TOEIC score of 805.
I was selected as the chief instructor at a major English conversation school. At 21, I managed six Japanese and native English instructors.
After doubling the number of students in one year and achieving a TOEIC score of 950, I passed the entrance exam for an interpretation school.
While working as a full-time instructor, I studied intensively for a year and a half, passing the top-level English proficiency test. I debuted as a dedicated interpreter for a foreign company at age 23.
In an era when it was said to take ten years for even bilingual individuals to become interpreters, I achieved my debut in just three and a half years.
However, as a purebred interpreter, I found it challenging to excel in the casual business English demanded by foreign companies, compared to interpreters with overseas experience. I decided to focus on a more specialized field. I attempted technical interpretation at a Japanese communication research institute. I achieved an annual income of 10 million by the age of 27.
Subsequently, I honed my skills further as a technical interpreter for a US-based manufacturer, formed an interpretation group, and excelled in a managerial role.


V Shaped recovery from in debts up to neck

I invested 20 million yen of retirement money, searching for my destiny after ten years of interpretation. During the Lehman Shock, I realized it was a fraud, resulting in a 7 million yen debt. I returned to interpreting at a TV shopping company. However, due to harassment from my supervisor, including being told not to outshine him, I developed urticaria and left the company.


Achieving all the personal dreams

After interpreting for the world’s number one coach, Anthony Robbins, whom I passed an audition for, I interpreted for over 100 famous individuals worldwide, including best-selling authors, TV personalities, and Robert Kiyosaki, “The Rich Dad” author. All my personal dreams came true.


Giving back to Japan by improved English education

As a simultaneous interpreter, I connected Japan and the world in various fields, including politics, economics, academia, sports, and entertainment, a total of 10,000 times. I realized that Japanese English proficiency wasn’t knowledge but a mindset issue. I began providing experimental English education, and as minds changed, people became capable of using English and began fulfilling their dreams.
By interpreting for world leaders, VIPs from various countries, Nobel Prize laureates, and speakers, I internalized the laws of success on Earth, achieving extraordinary results through a success philosophy.

She has 30 years of simultaneous interpreting experience in a truly broad range of fields, including medicine, natural and social sciences, consulting, technology, sports, brain science, diplomacy, economics, and other academic disciplines!


Contributing to World peace by empowering women

On April 17, 2020, feeling the stress of the pandemic affecting people, I started  “Okuraku®” Live. I began conveying the philosophy of success worldwide. In one year, viewers grew from 40 to over 700.
Furthermore, by interpreting for Bashar, who conveys the laws of the universe, I discovered the secret of “earning 100 times more with 1/100th the effort.” This discovery became a course.
Currently, I am nurturing 1,000 women globally who can earn millions with ease and happiness through blossoming their destinies.


A breakthrough year with online events that generated a lot of buzz

Starting in 2022, we organized various online events, crafting the ideal future for women. Without celebrity appearances, the total view count for all events exceeded 86,000 as of March 2023. These events have garnered attention through media coverage and press releases. Exclusively attended by students, the total attracted amount reached 181 million yen.

Built upon the foundation of the “Okuraku®” Live launched in 2021, the business experienced remarkable growth, achieving an annual revenue of 650 million yen.


Achieving over 100 million yen in monthly sales and over 50% operating margin for 7 consecutive months with zero advertising costs

In various courses, including the “Okuraku® Mind Course,” the combined total of amount attracted for graduating students has exceeded 26,928,700,000 yen over three years.

Completing the “Okuraku® Automatic Conveyor Belt,” through which 8 billion people on Earth can become infinitely abundant and happy, I am dedicating my efforts to eradicating poverty in Japan and the world, as well as achieving the goals of SDGs through a love-centred economy.



Unlocking the potential of 8 billion people on Earth
and achieving world peace through an economy centered around love.

The “World Peace Festival 2023” was held as a live event to lead people
who want to contribute to sustainable social development
and to shine brightly and further thrive themselves.

Media Coverage

Published 7 Books
Total Sales Exceeding 140,000 Copies

Total Sales Exceeding 140,000 Copies

I have openly shared the “Okuraku®” Method and techniques for mastering English that I developed based on my own life experiences. After publication, I appeared in more media, hoping that as many people as possible could achieve the lives they deserve.

Introduction of Yayoi Oguma
Fastest Success Philosophy

From a situation with no money, time, or English skills to reaching a simultaneous interpretation debut in 3 and a half years and generating 70 million yen overnight and 300 million yen annually with zero advertising costs.

Oguma generously shares the “time” and “money” utilization techniques to achieve goals as quickly as possible, which I learned from interpreting world-renowned individuals such as Nobel Prize laureates, marketing gurus, former presidents, sales experts, and the world’s number one coach.

Publisher: Kobunsha
Release Date: November 18, 2020
Introduction of Yayoi Oguma
Succeeding Worldwide with Instant English Listening

Combining neuroscience and interpretation training, a groundbreaking study method is revealed for the first time in Japan!
You no longer need to struggle with memorization, listening, English composition, etc.
This highly acclaimed book also teaches a method to increase your listening ability tenfold in just 15 minutes, enabling you to understand native speakers in movies and dramas, which even TOEIC level 1 achievers and simultaneous interpreters find challenging.

Publisher: Shuwa System
Release Date: December 6, 2018
Introduction of Yayoi Oguma
The Absolute Rules of Business English Conversation I've Practiced Since Scoring 280 on the TOEIC Test

The Absolute Rules of Business English Conversation I’ve Practiced Since Scoring 280 on the TOEIC Test.
While I, too, initially scored 280 on the TOEIC test, I improved rapidly following specific rules.
With just 15 tips, you can significantly enhance your English conversation skills.

Publisher: KADOKAWA/Chukei Shuppan
Release Date: May 23, 2014
Introduction of Yayoi Oguma
English Becomes Irresistibly Fun
A Revolutionary Master Map Study Method

As a simultaneous interpreter, I condensed the secrets of achieving goals worldwide into a single map. The Master Map, which ensures a success rate of 100%, includes writing down goals, two motivational switches to prevent giving up, and mechanisms for automatically achieving goals using the unconscious mind. Create your Master Map now and fulfill all your objectives. Your English proficiency will also dramatically improve with this method!

Publisher: KADOKAWA/Chukei Shuppan
Release Date: April 24, 2012
Introduction of Yayoi Oguma
Textbook for "English Teleconferences"—Preparation, Execution, and Beyond!

As remote work increases, English teleconferencing becomes more common. I offer a guidebook for business people struggling with globalizing demands. With around 20 scenarios that anyone in business experiences, I explain in detail the necessary English and dialog methods to overcome situations. Please make good use of it.

Publisher:  ALC PRESS INC.
Release Date: November 15, 2018
Introduction of Yayoi Oguma
"Truly" Effective English Phrases for Business: Taught by a Simultaneous Interpreter with 5,000 Experiences

A long-awaited book sent to business professionals struggling with the wave of globalization, authored by someone who has interpreted in 5,000 different settings. In this volume, the author, who has interpreted various contexts, provides detailed explanations using stories about situations that any businessperson might experience, setting around 20 scenarios and delving into the necessary English phrases and dialogue techniques.

Release Date: August 30, 2013
Introduction of Yayoi Oguma
42 Rules for Becoming a Simultaneous Interpreter in 3 Years, Scoring 800 on the TOEIC Test from 280

From having only 6 yen and zero English skills at age 20, within half a year, I became a chief English instructor, and three years later, I became a simultaneous interpreter. I openly share the techniques I used to succeed in English without money, time, or overseas experience.

Publisher: Gentosha
Release Date: October 26, 2011
Introduction of Yayoi Oguma
English Becomes Irresistibly Fun
A Revolutionary Master Map Study Method (DVD Version)

I provide a detailed lesson in video form on the “law of studying English without giving up” described in the book of the same name.
The numerous fine points that come across through video will undoubtedly dramatically change your English conversation.

Production Year: 2012

Social Media


I am available for inquiries, interview and appearance requests, event participation,
and workshops for entrepreneurs and business owners.
Feel free to contact me using the information below.